Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

90 DAY ACTION PLAN: What are your goals for the final HCMD sprint?
We’ve been traveling up the mountain for quite a while now and we’re getting so close to the summit, we can finally see the peak. 

We can see the end goal of reaching the top and are beginning to get a glimpse of how our hard work will come to fruition. With the opening of the new campus three months away, it’s time to re-engage our leadership skills and dig deep to create a solid plan that will get our teams to the top.

90 Day Action Plans are a great tool leaders can use to kick in that final boost of energy and focus and achieve great traction. We all know that goals are much more likely to succeed when they’re written down, and a formal 90 day action plan helps break down each goal into specific, measurable, attainable steps that don’t seem quite as daunting and help us actually make progress. 

Essential elements of a 90 day action plan: 
1) Pillar: what category of goal are you looking to achieve? Are you striving to increase staff and physician engagement (People), looking to improve patient satisfaction (Service), striving to decrease readmission rates (Quality/Operations), looking to increase the bottom line (Finance), or looking to increase patient volume (Growth)? 

2) Goal: what is the actual goal you’re looking to achieve? Make sure your goal is SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. If you want to increase employee engagement, a SMART goal may look like “improve engagement scores by 10% in the next employee survey scheduled for Quarter 1.”

3) Tactics: what are the specific actions you’ll need to take to achieve your goal? You may need to ensure all leaders are rounding on staff regularly and documenting their actions on a log. Get clear on what exactly must be done to get you closer to the finish line. 

4) Measures of success: to ensure we’re making progress, we need to be clear on how we’ll know we’re achieving the goal. These measures must be quantifiable so we can know if we’re hitting our target and on pace to achieve the goal by our desired time. With the employee engagement example, our measures of success may be completing the quarter one survey and implementing a rounding competition. 

5) Results: what do the outcomes of the goal look like? Keep updating these numbers as you make progress. You may be able to update this section when “75% of employees have completed the survey.”

With the move to the HCMD, every single leader at Trinity Health will play a vital role in leading their teams to the peak. Even if your team isn’t moving, your leadership will still ensure that our patients are receiving exceptional care and all of the essential operations of our organization are running smoothly during the transition. 

Take some time to map out your next 90 days and chart a specific plan for success. What does YOUR team need most from you in the next 90 days? What does the organization need most from your team in this next 3 months? 

Commit to the essential tactics and goals and define the small steps you’ll need to take, being clear on how you’ll measure progress and then, report out your progress to your leader. Share the plan with your team and post it in a public place. Check in on the 90 day plan during your 1:1s and during your employee rounding time to ensure everyone has what they need to succeed. 

Learn more about 90 day action plans and how to get started with this four minute QuickTalk from TalentTracks and let us know what you’re doing as you make your final push to the summit. 

MONTHLY REVIEW: Celebrate your wins and prepare for what’s next

The first month of the new year is already gone. How did you do? What kind of leader were you in the last month? Were you able to implement your goals and practice the essential leadership skills of coaching and rounding?

Celebrating our wins
Open your FY2023 planner to page 72-73 to review all of your accomplishments from this past month. Celebrate everything that went well and then list everything you’d like to burn and leave behind as you move into next month. Do you need to share anything from your burning list with your leader? Is anything on the list something you can delegate to another teammate who may be better suited to complete that task?

Preparing for what’s next
Use the space on page 78-79 to map out what’s next for you and for your team around each focus of a leader: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation. What plans are essential for the next month and is there anything coming up that needs to be structured in a 90 day plan? 

Use your 10% secret time to do the strategic work of a leader instead of succumbing to the firefighting mentality and always feeling out of control. Chart your course forward with intentionality and lead with strength in this important season.

1 hour per month of planning and strategy can make a world of difference in how chaotic or under control your team feels and 15 minutes a day of mapping your to-dos can help you stay focused on the tactics you’ll need to complete to achieve your most important goals. 


November 14-15 all members of the Trinity Leadership Quest gathered together in person to dive into leading change and innovation and preparing for Trinity Health’s biggest innovation in a century – the new healthcare campus and medical district. 

Together, we learned numerous tools and frameworks for communicating change, we worked through the need to cast a compelling vision and “Start with Why,” and we mapped out how we can plan to maintain our resilience over the next several months of transition and evolution. 

View replays and slides for each session and refresh your knowledge on how to lead your team from basecamp to the top of the summit, and use the communication frameworks to keep your team engaged, motivated, and encouraged along the way.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
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