Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Aligning Your 1:1s with the L2L Tools

Dr. Brené Brown says that “A leader is any person who holds themselves accountable for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage and guts to develop that potential.

As leaders, our 1:1 sessions are sacred time carved out for us to support emerging leaders and help them develop their potential.

Starting this month, the Leader-to-Leader (L2L) Update + Agenda will guide all 1:1s between leaders. The Leader-to-Leader Agenda and Update tools will allow us deepen into coaching and re-align all 1:1s between leaders in the organization around our four core focus areas: Resilience, Engagement, Experience, and Innovation.

Here is a short demonstration on how to lead your 1:1s – 

Leader-to-Leader Update + Agenda

LEADER-TO-LEADER UPDATE – Preparing for your 1:1 
The Leader-to-Leader Update tool found on page 20 and at the end of each month in your Triannual I Planner is what you’ll use to prepare for your monthly 1:1 with your leader.

The tool will help you work through key projects and goals within each core focus area and share where you most need support from your leader going forward. 

**Having worked through your monthly review, completing the update and preparing for your 1:1 with your leader should only take about 10-15 minutes.

Your leader will use the Leader-to-Leader Agenda on page 21 and at the end of each month in your Triannual I Planner to facilitate your monthly meeting and if your direct reports are also leaders you will use the Leader-to-Leader Agenda to facilitate their 1:1. 

Click here to watch a demonstration showing how to use these tools to guide your 1:1s.

Click here to download a pdf of the agenda and update pages to prepare for your 1:1s. 

Burning Ideas

In our deep dive into Alignment, Jennifer spoke about the need to BURN AWAY what doesn’t serve us, our team, or the mission of Trinity Health in order to make way for growing what will serve us best.

Take some time this week to look back to page 19 in your Triannual I Planner to review what you decided needs to be burned to prevent YOU from burning out!

Are there tasks that can be – 

*DELETED – removed from your schedule altogether
*DELEGATED – passed on to another teammate who may be more suited to the task
*DEFERRED – postponed to another time
*DONE – completed and cleared from your calendar with just a few minutes of time

Bring these burning ideas (and add some more!) to your monthly review and Leader-to-Leader 1:1s.

May Leadership Roundtable: Servant Leadership 

Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges will demonstrate the essence of authentic leadership. He’ll share how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.


1. Watch Live in the Skyline Room May 20th at 12:30pm CDT
2. Watch Live via Zoom (Outlook Invite sent May 6th)
3. Watch the Replay After the Event via Event Page

Click here to view the May 20th Leadership Roundtable Event Page and RSVP.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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