Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Embracing the Leadership Quest

We’ve seen the map for where we’re heading on our Leadership Quest, and now we get to integrate all of our tools into our everyday lives.

Mr. Kutch led the Triannual with this powerful Andy Stanley quote: 

As a leader, you will be called upon to go first. That will require courage. But in stepping out you will give the gift of courage to those who are watching.

The Senior Leadership and Ten Adams teams will be here to support you every step of the way as you courageously step forward with your team and embrace this leadership quest. 

Here are some tools to help you start this month off right –

Save the Date: May 20th “Leadership Roundtable”

Friday, May 20th at 12:30pm CDT will be our first “Leadership Roundtable” with leadership expert Sean Georges, J.D., L.L.M.

Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that will enhance our Leadership Quest.

This 1 hour “lunch-and-learn” style virtual training will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with Sean and ask questions about applying his lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event.

**Please bring your own lunch and beverages if desired.**


1. Watch Live in the Skyline Room May 20th at 12:30pm CDT
2. Watch Live via Zoom (Outlook Invite with Zoom Link to Follow)
3. Watch the Replay After the Event*

*Link to the replay will be posted on the Event Page and emailed May 26th. 

Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges will demonstrate the essence of authentic leadership. He’ll share how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.

Sean served for 35 years in the Marine Corps and civilian leadership roles and is now a speaker and coach at On Mission Leadership, an organization he founded to help provide leaders with a “north star” for their leadership development journey built on a powerful servant leader perspective and actionable leadership commitments.

Click here to view the event and RSVP.

Monthly Review

While we planned ahead for April during our planning workshop, the month is now over and it’s time to take a look back and think about what went well for us and for our team.

At the very end of the April section of your Triannual I Planner, you’ll find space to review “This Month’s Accomplishments” and “Plans for Next Month.”

This is your chance to slow down and CELEBRATE what you and your team have accomplished, keep track of key projects and deadlines, and set yourself up for success for an even stronger month ahead.

*What have you and your team pulled off this month?
*What leadership wins can you celebrate?
*And, which of our four focuses of a leader (resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation) do each of those wins relate to?

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning session? Click here to stream the Triannual I Spotify Playlist. 


Leadership is a team sport and we all get better when we support and learn from each other.  Click here to share your wins from April and shout out your teammates and fellow leaders who’ve demonstrated exceptional leadership this past month.

Click here to see photos from Triannual I.
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Trinity Health Transformation
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