Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Leadership Under Construction

We’ve learned so many great tools on our Leadership Quest and at this last Triannual workshop, we had several opportunities to see where we’ve made progress on our goals and where we haven’t yet become the leader we wish to be. 

As we continue along our Leadership Quest, remember that just like our new campus takes lots of planning, focused effort, and time to complete, so too, our leadership skills take time and consistency to grow and develop. 

With July now behind us, let your 10% Secret planning and monthly review be a moment to celebrate how far you’ve come even as you look ahead to all you would still like to accomplish – 

PLANNER: Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly Planning

When you began the year and embarked on the Leadership Quest in April, you may have had some major plans and goals on your list to help you become the leader, teammate, family member, and friend you’ve always wanted to be.

As we kick off our new fiscal year, dedicate some 10% Secret time to establish your Annual, Quarterly, and Monthly Plans.


July marks the beginning of FY2023 and gives us the chance at a New Year type fresh start. 

  • What do I personally want to accomplish this year as a leader?
  • What goals would I like to accomplish with my team? 
  • What steps must I take to make progress on each of these goals?

ACTION STEP: Determine your annual goals and commit to your plan for FY2023 by filling out page 8-9 of your FY2023 Planner


At Triannual I, we drafted our first quarterly plan around the Four Focuses of a Leader: Resilience, Engagement, Experience, and Innovation. We’ve built out tools in each of the focuses and cast a BOLD VISION for where Trinity Health could be in just a few short years.

On pages 10-11 of your FY2023 planner, build out your quarterly goals in each focus area:

  • What will you accomplish this quarter around Resilience? Can you adopt a few practices from your bucket list or recommit to your resiliency challenge?
  • What practices from Triannual II can you build in around Employee Engagement? Is there a stage of the employee journey (i.e. Connecting, Inspiring, Rewarding) you can commit to improving?
  • Which touchpoint of the Patient and Customer Experience can you redesign or refine? What are some tangible steps you can make this quarter to improve the process?
  • Where can you inspire Operational Innovation? If Trinity Health is going to be the next Mayo Clinic, what are steps you can take this quarter to move closer to that bold vision?

ACTION STEP: Schedule milestone events on your calendar to complete your quarterly goals.


On page 24-25 of your FY2023 Planner you’ll find space to celebrate your accomplishments from July and look ahead with plans for August.

This is a wildly important step in the process, because casting such a bold vision for our future and seeing the traits of an ideal leader can leave us feeling like we just aren’t as far along as we’d like to be. 

Celebrating what’s been going well and where we’re succeeding helps us to “Mind the Gap” as we see in this image from Liz Fosslein:

Even though we have extremely lofty goals, we can’t lose sight of everything we’ve done along our Leadership Quest. Celebrate what’s gone well and jump into August with confidence and a renewed commitment to creating our bold vision.

ACTION STEP: Celebrate your wins on page 24 of your planner and map out plans for August on page 30-31.

SAVE-THE-DATE: Leadership Roundtable August 23rd

Having Difficult Conversations and Giving Delicate Feedback with Kathleen Lapekas, PHR, SHRM-CP

Kathleen will walk us through techniques and frameworks to have difficult conversations and give delicate feedback to those on our team. She’ll shed light on how to navigate corrective conversations, encouraging us to be specific, honest, and direct as we coach our employees through challenging behavior.

Kathleen has over 25 years of experience in organizational development and human resources management and has worked for Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States. She is the founder of LHR Consulting, a Human Resources consulting services firm based in Evansville, Indiana.  

Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that help enhance our Leadership Quest. This 1 hour “lunch-and-learn” style virtual training will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with Kathleen and ask questions about applying her lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event.

**Please bring your own lunch and beverages if desired.**

1. Watch Live in the Skyline Room
2. Watch Live via Zoom (Outlook Invite to Follow)
3. Watch the Replay After the Event on the Microsite


Leadership is a team sport and we all get better when we support and learn from each other. Click here to share your wins and shout out your teammates and fellow leaders who’ve demonstrated exceptional leadership this past month.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
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