Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

LETTER FROM THE SLT: Our Next Season of Making More Possible

It seems fitting that Triannual III is simultaneously occurring with the changing of the seasons. Outside, the trees are changing and we are left with not only a beautiful display of color, but also a promise of something different.

Much like we are in a transformation, we will soon be surrounded by glistening snow and much cooler temperatures. But, we know that a season of winter must come before the beauty of spring. Winter often brings a quietness that may be used for reflection and growth.

Our current building is telling us it is time. It is time to celebrate all that we have been able to accomplish within these walls and then move into our new space. The new medical campus will be state-of-the-art, will provide us with space to move and grow, and will bring efficiencies we could not have imagined.

Just as our new building will bring beauty, innovation, and renewed energy, your leadership must continue to evolve to bring those same elements to the teams you lead. As we near the end of the year, reflect on the priorities that provide our focus and use them to guide your commitment to leadership, vision, and growth.

Continue to remember that leadership is a gift, but it also brings responsibility. You each have been entrusted with our most valuable resource – our people.

Use the gift given and shared during our Leadership Quest to evolve as a leader and identify ways to re-energize and reignite your own spirit. As stated in our Triannual I workbook, you have the knowledge, skill, passion, and determination needed to continue Making More Possible for our patients, our staff, and our communities.

We’re looking forward to meeting with you again at Triannual III 

Karen Zimmerman, Renae Lenertz, Randy Schwan
Steering Committee | Trinity Leadership Quest

PLAN-TO-ATTEND: Triannual III – Innovation

November 14-15, 2022 | Minot Municipal Auditorium

Triannual III is scheduled for November 14-15, 2022, kicking off with lunch at 11:30am on Monday the 14th. We’ll be diving deeper into Leading through Change and Innovation as we look ahead to the opening of the HCMD next spring.

WHAT TO BRING: Wear your Trinity Health logowear and bring your smart phone, name badge, and black zip up padfolio with note paper from Triannual II. 

Click here to RSVP. See you then!

TalentTracks: What Employees Need to Know When Dealing with Change

As we lead up to Triannual III on Innovation, we have worked to develop our skills around leading and managing change.

September Roundtable speaker Amy Susott gave us six tips to navigate change and we’ll spend some time in Triannual III giving you additional frameworks and conversation models you can use with your team to communicate change— from smaller policy and procedural changes to major changes like the move to the new campus in the spring.

The TalentTracks Leadership Training Library provides additional training and tools to add to our toolkit with a short course called “Dealing with Change: What Employees Need to Know

This 18 minute module will help us bolster our resilience, keep up with the rapid pace of change, learn coping skills for navigating through change, and help align our team around common goals during the transition.

Here are a few key ideas from the course to help you support your teams in times of transition, evolution, innovation, and change:

-In order to deal successfully with change, you and your employees need to be resilient. In terms of workplace change, resilience is the ability to bounce back from the temporary challenges that change presents.

-Being resilient does not mean that a person is not stressed by change, but it does mean that a person is not paralyzed by the change and is able to overcome it. Resilience allows us to cope with change and adapt to it in a positive way so we can take advantage of the opportunities change presents.

-Resilience can be developed through deliberate action. Resilient people are: proactive, well-organized, flexible, patient, focused, and positive.

-To work successfully through resistance to change, explain the reasons for the change and tell employees why the change is necessary. Create a vision around the change and express your willingness to work side by side with employees to surmount the challenges presented by the change.

-When you develop an action plan around change, be sure to include: the objectives of the change and what you hope to accomplish, a step-by-step outline of how the change will be implemented, a list of those involved in the change and their roles in implementation, resources available for support, potential obstacles, the time frame, and an explanation of how the implementation process will be monitored and evaluated. 

5 Coping skills for Adjusting to Change

  1. Keep it real: maintain realistic expectations, and accept the fact that it’s going to take time to adjust to the change
  2. Don’t bottle it up: be honest with yourself about how you feel. Find trusted co-workers, family, or friends to talk to about what’s going on at work
  3. Keep informed: tap into reliable sources of information within the organization, not the rumor mill, to find out what’s going on
  4. Take charge of your future: let go of the way it used to be and concentrate on adjusting to what is and what will be
  5. Contemplate your experience: think about what you’re learning from this experience. This knowledge will make you more resilient when the next change occurs. 

-Taking care of your health is essential during times of workplace change.  Exercise, sleep, nutrition, and relaxation will be habits that help you successfully navigate change.

-Becoming a change leader is possible through adopting certain behaviors and traits: acceptance, focus on common goals, empathy, setting a positive example, offering positive feedback, restoring morale, encouraging positivity, reinforcing positive responses, building teamwork, and cultivating understanding are all traits that will help your team thrive during these times.

-Workplace change can often come with opportunities for personal development and career growth. Use what you gain during times of change to develop new paths to enhanced job satisfaction and career development. For example, as a result of workplace change, you and your team might have developed: new strength and confidence in your abilities, new skills and knowledge, new roles and responsibilities, new potential for advancement, and new aspirations for your future.

This course offers a great prep course for many aspects of change management you’ll face as a leader. In only 18 minutes, it will help you build the mindset and coping skills you’ll need to stay resilient, embrace change, and guide your teams through seasons of growth and evolution.

We highly recommend you take advantage of the TalentTracks Library and the opportunity to continue to grow and develop as a leader.

Click here to watch the course to build your skills as a leader and learn how to successfully guide your teams through transition and change.

TalentTracks Assessment: Find the Courses that are Right for You

Trinity Health has provided an excellent resource to support you on your Leadership Quest – the TalentTracks Training Library from HealthStream. You’ll access a full library of short leadership and process training videos with customizable tracks to address your biggest needs.

Get started by taking the leadership assessment to determine which courses are best suited for you.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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