Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

MONTHLY REVIEW: Are you busy or productive? Efficient or effective?

Fall and winter can feel like one of our busiest times of year with school, activities, holidays, family gatherings, and the new year approaching. At Trinity Health, this season is also rich with plans for our transition into our new, state-of-the-art healthcare campus and medical district in the spring. 

As we gear up for this season and close out another month, it’s a great time for us to pause and reflect about what we’re doing and how we’re spending our time. 

Anyone who’s ever played sports or supported a child in athletics knows it’s not practice that makes perfect, but perfect practice that makes perfect. 

Our repeated actions – whether positive or negative – are amplified over time. Working extremely hard at the wrong things can cause us to be incredibly busy, but not productive in our attempts to achieve our desired goals. Driving fast can make us efficient, but driving fast down the wrong road simply leaves us further away from our destination, faster, and ultimately ineffective in our pursuits. 

As leaders, our role is to help steer the hard work and efforts of our team toward the goals that matter most.

In our Leadership Quest, we’ve identified four areas that will help us be the most effective in our work: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation.

Building our personal resilience to fuel our work as leaders, building up our teams to help them stay active, engaged, and able to serve, improving the patient experience to deliver exceptional care, and innovating our systems and processes to continually improve our work are our guideposts and our filter on everything we do – to help ensure we’re not just doing things right, but we’re doing the right things. 

When the to-do list feels long and you feel hurried and in a rush, it’s hard to pause and make room for your “10% Secret” time – thinking it will slow you down and decrease your efficiency. However, taking your time to plan, to strategize, and to visualize the next month ahead allows you to cast a powerful vision for you and your team, align your work, and make you incredibly effective as a group.

The alignment you’ll gain by setting your priorities around our core focus areas and the clear direction you’ll be able to give your team will help every effort be multiplied- in all the right ways. All of the work you do as a team will be amplified toward the greater good and will help fuel our mission of Making More Possible. 

Complete your monthly review* and build alignment for next month in your FY 2023 Planner. Enjoy the fruits of your planning and feel more productive, effective, confident, and in control.

*Monthly review can be found on page 40-41 and plans for next month on page 46-47

Innovating in Healthcare, Roundtable Replay with Dr. Thomas Graham

Last week we heard from Chief Innovation Officer, Thomas Graham, MD, about launching a commitment to innovation in our health system. Hear his best tips and “10 Ps” for getting started with innovation here.

Let us know what you thought of this Leadership Roundtable presentation and help us provide even more engaging content in the future with a simple survey. Click here to submit your feedback. *Note, you’ll need to log in to your Trinity Health SharePoint to access the form.

SAVE-THE-DATE: Triannual III – Innovation

November 14-15, 2022 | Minot Municipal Auditorium

Triannual III is scheduled for November 14-15, 2022, kicking off with lunch at 11:30am on Monday the 14th. We’ll be diving deeper into Innovation as we look ahead to the opening of the HCMD next spring.

WHAT TO BRING: Wear your Trinity Health logowear and bring your smart phone, name badge, and black zip up padfolio with note paper from Triannual II.

Click here to RSVP. See you then!

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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