Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

REPLAY: Leading Your Team Through Change

This past Monday, September 19th, Change Management and Innovation Expert Amy Susott, aPHR, MPSA, led us through an encouraging talk on navigating change.

She shared six crucial tips for staying open and receptive to change that we can employ personally and with our teams and helped remind us of some inevitabilities of change:

-Change is uncomfortable
-Change is emotional
-Change is hard
-Change is necessary for every organization
-It’s easy to love change…until it impacts me!

View the Replay to hear Amy’s tips and feel more prepared the next time you’re navigating change..

6 Tips for Leaders to Navigate Change

Here are Amy’s tips for leaders to successfully guide their team through change:
1) Be Clear: The first and most important step to navigating change is to clearly define the problem we’re facing or the vision we’re working towards and craft all communication around sharing what what your team most needs to hear. 

2) Understand Pain Points + Communicate the Why: We need to take time to express empathy, knowing that change is hard, uncomfortable, and emotional. Sharing the “why” behind the changes will inspire our team to move past their discomfort into the unknown of what’s to come.

3) Be Flexible: Different approaches will work for different teams, and Amy reminds us to be flexible, creatively adapting our plan to our unique team and what will work best for their needs. 

4) Anticipate Resistance: It’s easy to love change…until it impacts me, and there will definitely be roadblocks along the way. Amy gives a great tip to “proceed with pilots” and test ideas and changes in two week intervals, pausing if necessary to regroup before continuing.

5) Persevere: Pausing helps us keep up our stamina, but building safety nets also helps us persevere when implementing change gets tricky. Safety nets can prevent the customer and end user from being impacted by the change, which may drive us to quickly abandon the new way before it gets a chance to get rolling.

6) Celebrate the Little Wins: Recognizing good work and celebrating our successes – no matter how small – is critically important to continuing momentum and positive energy on our path to innovating and implementing change. Plus, it makes the process much more rewarding along the way!

Watch the Replay and dive deeper into how to navigate and stay open to change.  

WINNING IN LEADERSHIP: Expressing Gratitude

One of our key lessons in leadership has been the power and importance of expressing gratitude. 

In Triannual I, we practiced sending a thank you note to someone on the Trinity Health team and someone outside of work.

In Triannual II, we learned how expressing gratitude was one of the key habits by those who are happiest – and therefore the most successful – at work. 

To help you keep up the habit, here is an easy-to-print thank you template for four thank you cards to send to your team. 

Print your thank you cards and celebrate a job well done, a teammate putting in the extra effort, and the hard work to bring a project to completion. 

Five minutes per week of sending intentional thank yous could mean a world of difference to your team!

Celebrate your teammate with the entire Leadership Quest group by sharing your wins on the TLQ Microsite. Tell us what they’ve done well, how they’ve helped improve patient care, and how they’re shining as a leader.

When leaders grow, everyone gets better, and celebrating the success of our fellow leaders inspires us to keep growing and getting better every day.

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Trinity Health Transformation
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