Trinity Health Transformation
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REPLAY: Servant Leadership Roundtable

Friday, May 20th, Leadership Expert Sean Georges, J.D., LL.M gave us a great picture of Servant Leadership – illustrated through 35 years of leading marines and corporate executives. 

He also shared a poignant story of servant leadership in action with a personal encounter with a “team of teams” – law enforcement, first responders, medivac technicians, surgeons, and more who rallied around a common mission, embraced shared leadership, and had the audacity to believe they could achieve the impossible. 

View the replay to hear Sean’s testimony of the essence of authentic leadership and what it takes to become a servant leader –

Key Tenants of Authentic, Servant Leadership

Here are key highlights from Sean’s talk on servant leadership – 

-A leader is any person who owns the responsibility to serve others in the context of a shared mission

-Leadership is who you are and what you do to influence others to commit and act in alignment with the team’s mission

-In every situation, servant leaders ask, What is my best and highest role?”

To achieve the impossible, leadership teams must:
1) Have a mission focus
2) Embrace shared leadership
3) Move as a team
4) Have the audacity of belief, and
5) Serve one another

Click here to watch the replay and dive deeper into Servant Leadership.

SAVE-THE-DATE: June Leadership Roundtable

Coaching Your Team with Jared Narlock, June 20th, 12pm-1pm
Jared Narlock will lead the Trinity Health Leadership Team through the basics and process of coaching our employees to help them be their best and how we can help develop them into exceptional leaders.

With over 17 years of experience in corporate and military leadership, Jared has focused primarily on organizational leadership and talent development. Jared is an ICF Associate Certified Coach, is certified in DISC, Reality Based Leadership, and Dr. Brene Brown’s Dare to Lead program. In 2017, Jared founded Peaceful Powered Leadership where he offers 1:1 and group coaching to executives.

Click here to learn more about Jared and RSVP.

PLANNER: Monthly Review

As we come upon the end of May, it’s time to take a look back and review what went well this month. At the very end of the May section of your Triannual I Planner, you’ll find space to review “This Month’s Accomplishments” and “Plans for Next Month.”

This is your chance to slow down and CELEBRATE what you and your team have accomplished, keep track of key projects and deadlines, and set yourself up for success for an even stronger month ahead. 

*What have you and your team pulled off this month?
*What leadership wins can you celebrate? 
*And, which of our four focuses of a leader (resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation) do each of those wins relate to?

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning session? Click here to stream the Triannual I Spotify Playlist. 

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