Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III


Building Reservoirs of Emotional Strength

Resilience is an essential foundation for all of us, and an important focus of a leader. As Dr. Brené Brown says, “Joy, collected over time, fuels resilience, ensuring we’ll have reservoirs of emotional strength when hard things do happen.”

Intentionally building our resilience helps to equip us to handle anything that may come. It gives us the internal and emotional strength we need to respond with our highest capacity and create the greatest, most positive change.

The Benefits of Using Humor at Work

Using humor at work has significant physical and mental health benefits and can improve camaraderie and trust within teams.

Many people think they can’t bring humor into the office and others simply say they don’t know how.

Learn key benefits of using humor at work:

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The Happy Secret to Better Work

The Happy Secret to Better Work

Trinity Health TransformationTriannual ITriannual IITriannual IIIThe Happy Secret to Better Work Too often, we chase after goals believing that achievement and success will lead to happiness. When I get the promotion, then I'll be happy. When I lose 10 pounds, then...

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Thank you to all who have served!

Thank you to all who have served!

We hope you were able take time over the weekend to do a few things off of your “bucket list” and fill your emotional reservoirs – helping to increase your personal resilience.

Here’s a refresh on three tools for building resilience from Triannual I –

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The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning

At Triannual I, Jennifer taught on the importance of building a resilience routine to help us fill our personal reervoirs of emotional strength to sustain us during challenging times.

She referenced The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, a book that emphasizes the power of preserving the first hour of the day to what makes you stronger, more peaceful, and more resilient to face the day.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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