Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III


Implementing What We’ve Learned


Streamline your work with the four focuses and take back your time with the 10% Secret.


Aligning all 1:1s between leaders around resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation.


Caring for and taking responsibility for those who are in our charge.


Cultivating joy and building reservoirs of emotional strength.


A list of books from the Leadership Quest to help you as a leader.


Podcasts on topics relevant to the Leadership Quest to help deepen your understanding.


Videos from leadership experts to add concepts to your leadership toolbelt.


These weekly emails from the Leadership Quest team are intended to help deepen our understanding and engagement of the content and will provide tools, event reminders, and resources to support you in your work as a leader.

The emails are sent every Thursday at 12pm CDT from Jennifer Horton with [TLQ] in the subject line. If you’re not seeing these emails in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder and “mark as safe/not junk.” 

30 DAY FINISH: Winning the Leadership Olympics

30 DAY FINISH: Winning the Leadership Olympics

We’ve learned so much in our Leadership Quest and taken on new tools and communication frameworks to be sure we can lead well. We’ve also worked to lean into servant leadership and our ServiceFIRST principles to ensure we’re fully supporting our teams and bringing the best out of our employees.

This time of major transition and change could be one of the biggest leadership challenges we’ll face in our career with so many new and unexpected surprises to navigate. Even with all of the excitement ahead, our teams may be feeling worn down, worn out, and tensions and miscommunications are sure to happen as everyone is pushing their hardest to the peak.

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30 DAY FINISH: Staying Strong through the Final Stretch

30 DAY FINISH: Staying Strong through the Final Stretch

We’ve come so far as a leadership team, scaling the summit and working our way to the peak. We’re getting so close now, we can see the finish line, but we may be starting to feel that as close as we are, we don’t have the stamina to finish this climb.

This feeling is 100% natural and many times we lose steam because we’ve become so focused on the goal and getting all the work done that we’ve begun to neglect our physical and mental health. Instead of investing in our resilience reserves, honoring our routines, and building our connection and collaboration with our team, we forsake all of our best practices for one more push, one more bit of work, one more sprint toward the finish line.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Gaining Support as a Leader from Your “First Team”

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Gaining Support as a Leader from Your “First Team”

Our work as leader is so important to our organizations. Supporting and guiding our teams is a great privilege and responsibility that can help enhance our employees’ experience, improve patient care, and lead our health system to greater innovation, efficiency, and impact. But, as leaders, we also need to ensure that we are being supported and encouraged in our roles, too.

Without built-in support and community, leadership can become a very lonely experience. We can feel isolated which can lead us to operate within silos, decreasing trust and collaboration with others, stifling creativity, collaboration, and innovation.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: What makes employees stay?

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: What makes employees stay?

Making our way to the summit and preparing for the transition to the HCMD, we’ll need our teams more than ever to help us navigate all that lies ahead. We’ll need a strong, robust team to maintain the strength and fortitude to get us to the top of the peak.

In Triannual II, we learned that our “one thing” as leaders is to develop people and processes, to grow ourselves and our teams in order to deliver exceptional patient care.

One of the key ways we can help grow our teams is through intentional employee rounding – regular opportunities to check in and assist our employees with any challenges and struggles – and through coaching.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Personal Excellence as Your Anchor in the Storm

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Personal Excellence as Your Anchor in the Storm

Moving to the HCMD and getting to be inaugural team of an incredible state-of-the-art medical campus may be one of the biggest and most exciting events of our career.

It’s amazing to be involved in such a major innovation and part of the leadership team that is helping to make a 1-in-100-year leap toward our next stage of growth and evolution as an organization.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Eight Keys to Mastering Crucial Conversations

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Eight Keys to Mastering Crucial Conversations

One of the toughest challenges as a leader is broaching crucial conversations.

Our bodies are hardwired to flee from danger and one of our biggest threats in the workplace is the threat of conflict and confrontation. It may sound more benign than running from a saber-toothed tiger, but actually, all of the same fight, flight, or freeze responses are activated in our bodies when we need to have a tough conversation, as when we’d need to literally run for our lives!

These conversations are so hard to approach because we know they are costly. The three key elements of what makes a conversation “Crucial” are that there are high stakes, strong emotions, and opposing opinions.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Preventing conflict by filling the narrative void

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: Preventing conflict by filling the narrative void

Any time we take on a major quest, we know we need a map to get us to where we’re headed. We need an itinerary, travel plan, GPS, and directions to get us safely to our destination.

But, as we learned at Triannual III, simply having the HOW is not enough. We can’t just plan for how we’ll get to where we’re headed, as humans, we also need to know WHY.

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90 DAY ACTION PLANS: 4 Essential Tasks Your Team Needs You to Master During Transition

90 DAY ACTION PLANS: 4 Essential Tasks Your Team Needs You to Master During Transition

Last week, we discussed the importance of creating a 90 day action plan – a clear strategic roadmap you can use to plan out the next three months of transition for your team.

Setting goals and mapping a clear path to success will help you maximize the next three months and ensure the move to the HCMD goes as smoothly as possible and that employees and patients are well cared for during the move.

If you’re having trouble determining the most essential tasks to plan for, here are 4 habits every leader must master in order to successfully lead their team through transition:

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90 DAY ACTION PLAN: What are your goals for the final HCMD sprint?

90 DAY ACTION PLAN: What are your goals for the final HCMD sprint?

We’ve been traveling up the mountain for quite a while now and we’re getting so close to the summit, we can finally see the peak.

We can see the end goal of reaching the top and are beginning to get a glimpse of how our hard work will come to fruition. With the opening of the new campus three months away, it’s time to re-engage our leadership skills and dig deep to create a solid plan that will get our teams to the top.

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Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that will help enhance our Leadership Quest. These 1 hour virtual trainings will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with the experts and ask questions about applying their lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event. 


May 20, 2022 | 12:30pm CDT
Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges demonstrates the essence of authentic leadership. He shares how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.


June 20, 2022 | 12:00pm CDT
Jared shares great insights on how coaching is so effective because it makes everyone the hero, it develops your employees into problem solvers, and it encourages accountability and ownership in creating thoughtful solutions.


 The Trinity Health Senior Leadership Team has provided an excellent resource to support you on your Leadership Quest – the TalentTracks Training Library from HealthStream. You’ll access a full library of leadership and process training videos with customizable tracks to address your biggest needs.

*TalentTracks is a part of your HealthStream learning system. Use your same HealthStream credentials when you login.

*Need help? Click here to view the TalentTracks User Guide


Customize your training plan with the TalentTracks assessment.


Courses curated to help you develop as a capable and confident leader.


Rounding, managing up, and navigating difficult conversations.
Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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