Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III


Implementing What We’ve Learned


Streamline your work with the four focuses and take back your time with the 10% Secret.


Aligning all 1:1s between leaders around resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation.


Caring for and taking responsibility for those who are in our charge.


Cultivating joy and building reservoirs of emotional strength.


A list of books from the Leadership Quest to help you as a leader.


Podcasts on topics relevant to the Leadership Quest to help deepen your understanding.


Videos from leadership experts to add concepts to your leadership toolbelt.


These weekly emails from the Leadership Quest team are intended to help deepen our understanding and engagement of the content and will provide tools, event reminders, and resources to support you in your work as a leader.

The emails are sent every Thursday at 12pm CDT from Jennifer Horton with [TLQ] in the subject line. If you’re not seeing these emails in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder and “mark as safe/not junk.” 

ROUNDTABLE TUESDAY: Growth Mindset with Dr. Rachel Headley

ROUNDTABLE TUESDAY: Growth Mindset with Dr. Rachel Headley

Next Tuesday, January 24th at 12:00pm, we’re excited to bring in Dr. Rachel MK Headley who will help us develop a Growth Mindset as we launch the new year and prepare for the move to the HCMD. Dr. Headley will walk us through different personality styles and approaches to change and give us tangible tools on how to lead each personality type through transition.

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THE POWER OF A FRESH START: Using the New Year + the New Campus for a Leadership Reset

THE POWER OF A FRESH START: Using the New Year + the New Campus for a Leadership Reset

The New Year is a unique moment in time where, collectively, we tend to feel renewed inspiration and determination to set new goals. But, January 1 isn’t the only time we can take advantage of that energy and momentum and chart a new course.

Research on the “Fresh-Start Effect” reveals that ANY new beginning can give us the same boost in motivation and drive to make positive changes and we can capitalize on this energy boost at many key moments beyond the New Year:

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PREPARING FOR THE YEAR AHEAD: Celebrating Our Wins and Reaching Our Goals

PREPARING FOR THE YEAR AHEAD: Celebrating Our Wins and Reaching Our Goals

As we launch into 2023 and everything that’s before us, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything we’ll face in the new year, anxious about the leadership challenges ahead, and unsure of how we’ll fit it all in.

The best thing about our Leadership Quest, is that we know that our path to growth as leaders is a process, and everyday we commit to practicing a new habit and implementing a new tool, we are getting stronger and more capable to lead our teams well.

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YEAR-END ROUNDUP: What We’ve Learned in Our Leadership Quest

YEAR-END ROUNDUP: What We’ve Learned in Our Leadership Quest

The past year has been an amazing opportunity for all Trinity Health leaders to gather together in one room to celebrate our successes as a team, address difficulties and challenges, and grow into more capable and confident leaders.

We’ve experienced the power of sharing ideas, uniting around a common vision, and working together to innovate and discover a better way.

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ROUNDTABLE REPLAY: Tangible Tips for Overcoming Busyness

ROUNDTABLE REPLAY: Tangible Tips for Overcoming Busyness

Monday, December 19th, former NDSU professor, Dr. Ann Burnett, led us through her extensive research on busyness and the effect of the fast pace of life on our well-being and relationships.

Dr. Burnett began her deep-dive into busyness after being struck by the repetitive language in Holiday cards extolling how busy each family had been over the past year.

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ROUNDTABLE MONDAY + How to Be a Less-Stressed Leader

ROUNDTABLE MONDAY + How to Be a Less-Stressed Leader

This Monday, December 19th from 12:00pm – 1:00pm, former NDSU Professor, Dr. Ann Burnett, will lead the Trinity Health team through Transcending Busyness and Navigating the Fast Pace of Life, especially during the holiday season.

With numerous family obligations, work responsibilities, and the transition to the HCMD, our Trinity Health team is no stranger to busyness, but Dr. Burnett will help us reframe our perspective and enter this next season renewed and ready to take on whatever comes next.

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The gift your employees need most…

The gift your employees need most…

As we ramp up to the holiday season, gift giving is top of mind. As leaders, the gift our employees need most from us is the gift of recognition.

Being recognized for our achievements, being noticed, seen, and celebrated is a key driving factor for employee satisfaction, engagement and retention, and, sadly one of the most overlooked and under-utilized tools in our leadership tool belt.

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It’s not the critic who counts…

It’s not the critic who counts…

When you’re truly showing up for your work as a leader, you’ll likely find that you simply can’t win everyone over, and that some of the decisions you’ll need to make will be met with resistance, backlash, and criticism.

In Triannual III, we talked about how to overcome resistance to change and help our teams work through objections and concerns about what’s to come. Yet, even with all of the right tools, there will still be critics on the sidelines whose feedback can leave us discouraged and struggling to maintain our motivation to lead.

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Happy Thanksgiving from the TLQ Team!

Happy Thanksgiving from the TLQ Team!

As we learned in Triannual III, while we scale to the summit, it’s imperative that we set anchors along the way to sustain us on our quest.

One of our most supportive anchors is gratitude—gratitude for all we’ve accomplished along the way, all that we’ve learned that will help us continue to climb to the peak, and all of the common ground we’ve gained with our fellow leaders.

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Thank you for coming to Triannual III!

Thank you for coming to Triannual III!

It was great to see you at our third Leadership Quest workshop. It’s so empowering to gather together as a full leadership team to continue building our leadership skills and Making More Possible.

To launch the event, our CEO, Mr. Kutch stressed the importance of being able to see what’s in front of us. Navigating post-pandemic realities in a recession-like environment with numerous changes in the healthcare industry—on top of a system-wide move to a new campus—means we’ve got a bit of a mountain before us to climb in 2023.

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Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that will help enhance our Leadership Quest. These 1 hour virtual trainings will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with the experts and ask questions about applying their lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event. 


May 20, 2022 | 12:30pm CDT
Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges demonstrates the essence of authentic leadership. He shares how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.


June 20, 2022 | 12:00pm CDT
Jared shares great insights on how coaching is so effective because it makes everyone the hero, it develops your employees into problem solvers, and it encourages accountability and ownership in creating thoughtful solutions.


 The Trinity Health Senior Leadership Team has provided an excellent resource to support you on your Leadership Quest – the TalentTracks Training Library from HealthStream. You’ll access a full library of leadership and process training videos with customizable tracks to address your biggest needs.

*TalentTracks is a part of your HealthStream learning system. Use your same HealthStream credentials when you login.

*Need help? Click here to view the TalentTracks User Guide


Customize your training plan with the TalentTracks assessment.


Courses curated to help you develop as a capable and confident leader.


Rounding, managing up, and navigating difficult conversations.
Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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