Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III


Implementing What We’ve Learned


Streamline your work with the four focuses and take back your time with the 10% Secret.


Aligning all 1:1s between leaders around resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation.


Caring for and taking responsibility for those who are in our charge.


Cultivating joy and building reservoirs of emotional strength.


A list of books from the Leadership Quest to help you as a leader.


Podcasts on topics relevant to the Leadership Quest to help deepen your understanding.


Videos from leadership experts to add concepts to your leadership toolbelt.


These weekly emails from the Leadership Quest team are intended to help deepen our understanding and engagement of the content and will provide tools, event reminders, and resources to support you in your work as a leader.

The emails are sent every Thursday at 12pm CDT from Jennifer Horton with [TLQ] in the subject line. If you’re not seeing these emails in your inbox, please check your junk mail folder and “mark as safe/not junk.” 

TRIANNUAL MONDAY! Equipping Your for Your Next Season as a Leader

TRIANNUAL MONDAY! Equipping Your for Your Next Season as a Leader

Coming up this Monday, November 14th, we’ll dive into Triannual III—our next all-leader workshop—to continue to equip you in your role as a leader.

We’ve been working through our four focuses of a leader: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation, and at this Triannual, will go deep into Trinity Health’s biggest innovation in over a century—our new Healthcare Campus and Medical District due to open this spring.

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LETTER FROM THE SLT: Our Next Season of Making More Possible

LETTER FROM THE SLT: Our Next Season of Making More Possible

t seems fitting that Triannual III is simultaneously occurring with the changing of the seasons. Outside, the trees are changing and we are left with not only a beautiful display of color, but also a promise of something different.

Much like we are in a transformation, we will soon be surrounded by glistening snow and much cooler temperatures. But, we know that a season of winter must come before the beauty of spring. Winter often brings a quietness that may be used for reflection and growth.

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MONTHLY REVIEW: Are you busy or productive? Efficient or effective?

MONTHLY REVIEW: Are you busy or productive? Efficient or effective?

Fall and winter can feel like one of our busiest times of year with school, activities, holidays, family gatherings, and the new year approaching. At Trinity Health, this season is also rich with plans for our transition into our new, state-of-the-art healthcare campus and medical district in the spring.

As we gear up for this season and close out another month, it’s a great time for us to pause and reflect about what we’re doing and how we’re spending our time.

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ROUNDTABLE REPLAY: Pioneering & Practicing Innovation

ROUNDTABLE REPLAY: Pioneering & Practicing Innovation

This Tuesday, we were blessed to have healthcare’s first-ever Chief Innovation Officer, Dr. Thomas Graham, join us for a leadership roundtable on Pioneering & Practicing Innovation.

Kicking off the roundtable, Dr. Graham quoted Charles Kettering, an American inventor and engineer and the namesake of Kettering Health:

“I am not interested in the past. I am interested in the future, for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life.”
-Charles Kettering

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ROUNDTABLE TUESDAY: Mission-Driven Innovation *Virtual Only*

ROUNDTABLE TUESDAY: Mission-Driven Innovation *Virtual Only*

GET TO KNOW DR. GRAHAM: Listen in on this great interview with October Roundtable Speaker Dr. Graham on Mission-Driven Innovation and join us Tuesday for a *VIRTUAL ONLY* roundtable.

Dr. Graham is passionate about innovation and making innovation accessible to everyone in the organization. He insists that “everyone is an expert” and leaders at all levels bring great ideas to the table that help improve processes and deliver better patient care experiences.

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Why great leaders need to take humor seriously

Why great leaders need to take humor seriously

As we build our skillsets as leaders and prepare our teams for big shifts and change with the new campus coming this spring, one often overlooked and under-appreciated leadership skill is humor.

We can tend to think that if we take our work and our mission seriously, there is no room for laughter and levity, but in fact, research shows humor is a key factor in leading successfully.

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What’s your personality during change?

What’s your personality during change?

We know when we commit to innovating our processes and systems we can discover a better way, improve efficiency, and deliver an outstanding patient experience.

But, as we learned last week with Innovation and Change Management Expert Amy Susott, innovation can be great…until it impacts me.

Amy gave us four personas we can have when facing change: The Pro, Paralysis by Analysis, The Cowboy, Complete Resistor.

Which one are you?

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REPLAY: Leading Your Team Through Change

REPLAY: Leading Your Team Through Change

This past Monday, September 19th, Change Management and Innovation Expert Amy Susott, aPHR, MPSA, led us through an encouraging talk on navigating change.

She shared six crucial tips for staying open and receptive to change that we can employ personally and with our teams and helped remind us of some inevitabilities of change:

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ROUNDTABLE MONDAY: 6 Tips for Leaders to Stay Open to Change

ROUNDTABLE MONDAY: 6 Tips for Leaders to Stay Open to Change

This Monday, September 19th at 12pm CDT, Amy Susott, aPHR, MPSA, will give us 6 Tips – No Tricks – for how we as leaders can stay open to change.

She’ll share insights from the field and help us embody these six tips to be more personally prepared to navigate change and help our teams navigate transition, too.

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Building a Culture of Innovation

Building a Culture of Innovation

Our all-leader Triannual workshops this year are guiding us to exploire each of the four focuses of a leader: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation.

At Triannual III on November 14-15th will dive deeper into our fourth focus of innovation and how we can flip the switch to view our roles through an innovation lens.

Our TalentTracks leadership training hub offers a short course on nurturing an innovative culture that will help lay the foundation for our work in November.

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Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that will help enhance our Leadership Quest. These 1 hour virtual trainings will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with the experts and ask questions about applying their lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event. 


May 20, 2022 | 12:30pm CDT
Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges demonstrates the essence of authentic leadership. He shares how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.


June 20, 2022 | 12:00pm CDT
Jared shares great insights on how coaching is so effective because it makes everyone the hero, it develops your employees into problem solvers, and it encourages accountability and ownership in creating thoughtful solutions.


 The Trinity Health Senior Leadership Team has provided an excellent resource to support you on your Leadership Quest – the TalentTracks Training Library from HealthStream. You’ll access a full library of leadership and process training videos with customizable tracks to address your biggest needs.

*TalentTracks is a part of your HealthStream learning system. Use your same HealthStream credentials when you login.

*Need help? Click here to view the TalentTracks User Guide


Customize your training plan with the TalentTracks assessment.


Courses curated to help you develop as a capable and confident leader.


Rounding, managing up, and navigating difficult conversations.
Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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