Trinity Health Transformation
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ROUNDTABLE TUESDAY: Mission-Driven Innovation *Virtual Only*

We’re excited to continue the conversation on innovation with a very inspiring speaker for our October Leadership Roundtable.

Dr. Thomas Graham, Chief Innovation Officer at Kettering Health, will guide the Trinity Health Leadership Team on Mission-Driven Innovation, helping to make innovation accessible to employees at any level of the organization and “flipping-the-switch” for all of us to see opportunities to innovate everyday.

Dr. Graham is a world-renowned orthopedic hand surgeon, healthcare executive, author, inventor, and entrepreneur who holds over 60 patents, has published over 100 scholarly articles, and has founded four medical device companies. He has served as the hand surgery consultant, team physician, and medical director for numerous sports teams in the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, and PGA. Dr. Graham previously served as Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Innovation Officer and wrote an innovation playbook called “Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation and Putting Ideas to Work” during his tenure. 

This 1 hour “lunch-and-learn” style virtual training will be streamed live via Zoom with an opportunity to engage with Dr. Graham and ask questions about applying his lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event. 

1. Watch Live via Zoom
2. Call in at (312) 626-6799, Meeting ID: 858 5403 3484, Password: 502964 
3. Watch the Replay After the Event (link to replay will be posted October 20th)

Click here to RSVP and save your seat.

GET TO KNOW DR. GRAHAM: Listen in on this great interview with Dr. Graham on Mission-Driven Innovation

Dr. Graham is passionate about innovation and making innovation accessible to everyone in the organization. He insists that “everyone is an expert” and leaders at all levels bring great ideas to the table that help improve processes and deliver better patient care experiences.

Here are a few tenets you’ll learn from Dr. Graham in this interview: 

-In healthcare, mission-driven innovation is using the power of innovation to improve and extend the life of human beings

-Everybody’s an expert and deserves a seat at the table for innovation

-Your creative thoughts are important

-To build a culture of innovation, you have to have buy-in through all levels of the organization

-Innovation can lead to wins bigger than just monetary gain, it can increase pride in the organization which translates to pride in the communities we serve

-Innovation is good for business – on the community level, innovation ignites economic development and translates into things like job growth

-We must be willing to collaborate with different departments and industries to unlock the keys to innovation

-Innovation gets supercharged by partnership

The concept of innovation can feel incredibly out of reach and we can disqualify ourselves early in the game. Dr. Graham is committed to empowering every employee to “flip-the-switch” in their mind and see every day as an opportunity for improving our processes and innovating for our patients. 

YOU ARE AN INNOVATOR and you have what it takes! We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday to get inspired to see things with this innovation-first mindset and begin to innovate in your department. 

LEADER-TO-LEADER: Using your 1:1s to plan for innovation

Are you meeting with your leader on a monthly basis?

Employee rounding and coaching was one of our top takeaways from Triannual II and most requested habit for follow-up. If you have leaders reporting to you, we highly encourage you dive back into your monthly 1:1s to offer coaching and guidance about the month ahead. 

Using the Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda tools, you’ll work through the four focuses of a leader: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation to map out a plan for growth, development, and project completion for the month ahead. 

If you don’t remember how to use the Leader-to-Leader tools, here’s a video with Jennifer and OD DIrector Shelley Semrau walking through an 8 minute role-play on running a 1:1 meeting. 

These 1:1s are excellent touchpoints to see where your leaders are thriving and where they may need extra help work through a challenge and push through roadblocks. 

While the weather’s still warm, you could grab 15 minutes for a walking meeting, grab a coffee together, or check in after lunch. A few minutes with your leaders will pay amazing dividends in building their confidence and capacity to lead.

Download the L2L pages here or check out page 122-123 in your FY2023 Planner.

SAVE THE DATE: Triannual III – Innovation

November 14-15, 2022 | Minot Municipal Auditorium

Triannual III is scheduled for November 14-15, 2022. We’ll be diving deeper into Operational Innovation as we look ahead to the opening of the HCMD next spring. Click here to RSVP. See you then!


Leadership is a team sport and we all get better when we support and learn from each other.  Click here to share your wins from this past month and shout out your teammates and fellow leaders who’ve demonstrated exceptional leadership and an innovation-first mindset.

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