Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Thank you for coming to Triannual I!

It was great to see you at our first Leadership Quest workshop, and we can’t wait to gather again in July to continue Making More Possible as an even stronger Trinity Health Leadership Team. 

Special thank you to our Triannual I Logistics team: Alison Frye, Renae Lenertz, Bonnie Mattern, Shelley Semrau, and Kathleen White and volunteers Andrea Roedocker and Janelle Roy for helping to make the event amazing.

Here’s a video recap of Triannual I and a few tips and tools to keep you motivated and encouraged on your Leadership Quest – 

The 10% Secret

Dealing with a blizzard on top of all of the regular, everyday chaos is a perfect example of why we need the 10% Secret more than ever.

Life will always throw us curveballs, but we can take a deep breath, refocus, and embrace our Quest mentality and see everything that happens as an opportunity to grow and learn and move forward as a stronger, more confident leader.

Three simple steps to take back control:

Take 15 minutes to schedule three recurring appointments in your Outlook Calendar for leadership planning.

1. DAILY PLANNING: Schedule a recurring 15 minute appointment at the start or end of each day to do “Daily Planning”  

2. WEEKLY PLANNING: Schedule a recurring 1 hour appointment each week to do your “Weekly Planning”

3. MONTHLY PLANNING: Schedule a 2 hour appointment the last week of each month, to do “Monthly Planning”

*You’ll find your Weekly and Daily Planning pages right inside the April planning section of your Triannual I planner.

SAMPLES FROM THE TRIANNUAL: Find your Daily Planning sample on page 31, your Weekly Planning sample on page 29, and your Monthly Planning sample on page 27.

5 Day Resiliency Challenge

Jennifer spoke about the importance of creating a “Miracle Morning” resilience routine that makes the first hour of each day ALL ABOUT YOU. 

Taking time to care for yourself, invest in your passions, and optimize your health will keep your emotional reservoirs full for when life, blizzards (!), and everyday chaos happens.

Here’s your reminder to open to page 14 of your Triannual I planner as soon as you’re able to craft (and implement!) your Resiliency Routine.

Tools for the Quest

Your one-stop shop for all Leadership Quest resources-

To support you on your Leadership Quest, we’ve created this microsite as a resource hub where we’ll post replays of the events, photos, relevant articles and tools, and digital downloads of the planner and Leader-to-Leader agendas. Slides for each module are available now and replays for the event will be posted soon.

Take a few moments to explore the microsite and click here to see photos from Triannual I.

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning session? Click here to stream the Triannual I Spotify Playlist.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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