Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Thank you for coming to Triannual II!

It was great to see you at our second Leadership Quest workshop, and we can’t wait to gather again in November to continue Making More Possible as an even stronger Trinity Health Leadership Team. 

We dove deeper into topics like resilience and servant leadership and began to work through our FY2023 Priorities, employee engagement, touchpoint mapping, and the patient experience. We’re excited to keep working through these topics with you in these emails and our Leadership Roundtables over the next several months.

Special thank you to our Triannual Logistics team: Alison Frye, Renae Lenertz, Bonnie Mattern, Shelley Semrau, Kathleen White, and Andrea Roedocker, and volunteers Pete Ladendorf, and Janelle Roy for helping to make the event amazing.
Here are some photos from the event and a few tips and tools to keep you motivated and encouraged on your Leadership Quest – 

Click here to view photos from Triannual II

Look Around for 1% Improvements

One of the key ideas we covered at Triannual II was the power of 1% Improvements, from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits:

“It is so easy to dismiss the value of making slightly better decisions on a daily basis.

Sticking with the fundamentals is not impressive. Falling in love with boredom is not sexy. Getting one percent better isn’t going to make headlines.

There is one thing about it though: it works.”

We can often write off the tiny wins, and the small adjustments, thinking they won’t yield meaningful results, but it’s these little improvements, consistently made over time that exponentially transform our lives.

And, it’s wonderful to know that even if we’re pressed for time, these tiny wins will help us transform our culture and help us live into our bold vision for Trinity Health.

Think about your Four Focuses of a Leader: Resilience, Engagement, Experience, and Innovation. What can you do in each of the four focuses to move the needle just 1%?

Resilience: Can you wake up just 15 minutes earlier each day this week and do one item from your bucket list (walk outside, stretch, read, call your family, play)?

Engagement: Can you send one thank you note this week, or pay one compliment each day, to someone on your team?

Experience: Can you look your patients in the eye and smile intentionally before proceeding with care? Can you be kinder and more present with a customer, partner, or vendor?

Innovation: Can you take one tiny step each day to implement a lesson from the Leadership Quest, to continue to improve operations here at Trinity Health?

Revisit your 1% Barriers worksheet on page 16 of your workbook if you need help mapping out tiny adjustments you can implement to start making progress, and continue those 1% interactions like Dr. Sather mentioned – reaching out to your colleagues and building up your team.

Tools for the Quest

To support you on your Leadership Quest, we’ve created a resource hub where we’ll post event photos, relevant articles and tools, and digital downloads of the planner and Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda.

Slides for each module are available now and replays for the event will be posted soon.

Click here to access the Trinity Health Transformation microsite and see photos from Triannual II.

Your Planner is your absolute go-to keeping all of your tasks, plans, and strategy at the ready. Set reminders for your 10% Secret time and daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly planning sessions to protect your focus and strategy time.

The Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda will help guide 1:1s with your leader and 1:1s between you and any direct reports who are leaders. 

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning session or start the day off right? Click here to stream the Triannual II Spotify Playlist.  

Save the Date

Triannual III is scheduled for November 14-15, 2022. We’ll be diving deeper into Operational Innovation as we look ahead to the opening of the HCMD next spring. Click here to RSVP. See you then!

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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