Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Thank you for coming to Triannual III!

It was great to see you at our third Leadership Quest workshop. It’s so empowering to gather together as a full leadership team to continue building our leadership skills and Making More Possible.

To launch the event, our CEO, Mr. Kutch stressed the importance of being able to see what’s in front of us. Navigating post-pandemic realities in a recession-like environment with numerous changes in the healthcare industry—on top of a system-wide move to a new campus—means we’ve got a bit of a mountain before us to climb in 2023. 

To climb this mountain and scale our summit together, we’ll need to leverage all of our leadership skills and work as a team. 

Before we lace up our climbing boots to head up this mountain, Mr. Kutch proposed four questions for reflection to celebrate where we’ve been: 

  1. Have I made more possible by cultivating an environment of courtesy and compassion?
  2. Have I made more possible by advancing access to care through my commitments and the organization’s ServiceFIRST principles?
  3. Have I made more possible by recognizing and emphasizing the patient experience?
  4. Have I made more possible by expecting more from our physicians, our coworkers, every member across the Trinity Health care system, and most importantly myself?

To best steward our resources at Trinity Health and scale this mountain, we’ll all need to continue to grow our capabilities and grow the capacity of our departments to meet the expectations and evolving needs of those around us. 

Throughout our Leadership Quest, we’ve developed numerous tools to help us along the way and we’ll be here to to keep working through these skills in these emails and our upcoming Leadership Roundtables.

We can scale this mountain and handle the changes and challenges to come and continue Making More Possible, together.

Special thank you to our Triannual Logistics team who helped make this event possible:

Alison Frye, Renae Lenertz, Bonnie Mattern, Shelley Semrau, Kathleen White, and Andrea Roedocker, and presenters Dave Kohlman and Elliot Leinen.
Relive the excitement with photos from the event and access the Microsite for tips and tools to keep you motivated and encouraged on your Leadership Quest – 

Click here
 to view photos from Triannual III

Starting with “Why” – Being Fueled by the Greater Vision

In all of the innovation and evolution that’s on the horizon, keeping our attention on “The Why” behind our big move to the new campus—and the why behind any change or adjustment we’ll make during our climb—will be essential to fueling our teams toward the peak.

In our drawing exercise on “The Why” behind the move to the HCMD, each table came up with incredible responses and captivating visuals to share with our teams to power them through –

  • The old building served us well and allowed us to do so much more than we’d ever thought we’d do. This new building will allow us to make even more possible.

  • Four generations of my family have been born at Trinity Health, and this new campus will allow us to provide service to the next several generations.
  • The new campus is helping us transition from a covered wagon to a spaceship!

  • The new campus will be state-of-the-art, warm, comfortable, and fresh. We’ll get to start with a clean slate and leave some recurring maintenance issues behind.

  • By moving to the new campus, we’ll get to increase our efficiency and our patients will love that everything is in one location and easy to find.

  • As an employee, at the new campus I’ll feel proud of where I work.

Take advantage of all of our Triannual III tools for communicating change to help lead your team to the peak and keep your eye on “The Why” to fuel you along the way.

Tools for the Quest

To support you on your Leadership Quest, we’ve created a resource hub where we’ll post event photos, relevant articles and tools, and digital downloads of the planner and Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda.

Slides for each module are available now and replays for the event will be posted soon.

Click here to access the Trinity Health Transformation microsite and see photos from Triannual III.

Your Planner is your absolute go-to keeping all of your tasks, plans, and strategy at the ready. Set reminders for your 10% Secret time and daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly planning sessions to protect your focus and strategy time.

The Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda will help guide 1:1s with your leader and 1:1s between you and any direct reports who are leaders. 

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning session or start the day off right? Click here to stream the Triannual III Spotify Playlist.  

SAVE-THE-DATE: December 19, 2022 | 12pm – 1pm

Our next Leadership Roundtable is scheduled for December 19th at 12:00pm. We’ll be discussing how to Transcend Busyness and the Fast Pace of Life with NDSU Professor Dr. Ann Burnett.

Click here to RSVP. See you then!

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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