Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

Thank you to all who have served!

Welcome back from your Memorial Day weekend! Thank you to all of the servant leaders from our military and their families who have served and sacrificed for us all.

We hope you were able take time over the weekend to do a few things off of your “bucket list” and fill your emotional reservoirs – helping to increase your personal resilience. 

When surveyed at Triannual I about what fills our bucket, the leaders at Trinity Health listed walking, fishing, yoga, and friends as items that helped fuel us and build back our strength and resilience. 

And, overwhelmingly, FAMILY was our biggest source of strength and support to help build us up and buoy us through the hard times –

Four Focuses of a Leader: Resilience

Our four focuses on the Leadership Quest are resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation and we simply can’t make strides to increase employee engagement, improve the patient experience, and innovate our operations without deep reserves of emotional, mental, and physical strength to carry us through.

We need our bucket to be overflowing in order to bring our best selves to work and to be able to pour ourselves out for our employees, our teams, and our patients each and every day.

Here are a few ways we learned to boost our personal resilience –

1. BUCKET LIST: refer to page 13 of your Triannual I planner for your entire list of the things that fill your bucket and recharge you. This list is your playbook on how to refill your bucket and resource yourself to handle whatever comes next!

Refer to them often and schedule in time to make prioritizing them a reality. If family is top on your list, schedule a weekend movie night, make a plan to play boardgames after work, or take a walk outside together after dinner.

2. RESILIENCE ROUTINE: on page 14 of your Triannual I planner, we mapped out a resilience routine for the first hour of each day using the SAVERS acronym from Hal Elrod’s “The Miracle Morning.” These six activity types can help guide you to create a robust, well-balanced start to each and every day, prioritizing the first hour of your day to ensure you are able to safeguard and protect that sacred space each morning to invest in yourself.

Revisit the resilience routine you’ve created and see if you can implement it this week.

3. BURNING IDEAS: with so many tasks on our list, sometimes, our biggest source of strength is admitting when we’ve just signed on for too much. On page 19 of our Triannual I planner is your preliminary list of “Burning Ideas” – items that if you don’t burn away, will burn you out.

Revisit that list with your monthly review and see what activities you can burn from your list if you’d just delete, delegate, defer, or do. 

REPLAY: Servant Leadership Roundtable

Friday, May 20th, Leadership Expert Sean Georges, J.D., LL.M gave us a great picture of Servant Leadership and the importance of building a culture of authentic leadership. 

Regarding the Trinity Leadership Quest, Sean said, I’m so pleased with this organization that they are focusing on culture. I think the big difference maker in who keeps – who gets and keeps- talent in the future is going to be culture.

Everybody can match salary. Everybody can match, you know, the perks right? The difference maker is going to be culture and leaders are the ones that are the culture warriors.”

View the replay to hear Sean’s testimony of the essence of authentic leadership and the importance of developing our skills as leaders.

RESOURCES: Tools for the Quest

Now accessible from the Microsite Resource page are “TalentTracks” training videos from HealthStream with even more training on leadership, coaching, and communication within healthcare.

-ASSESSMENT: HealthStream offers an assessment to help you see the courses that are best suited for you. Click here to take the assessment and get custom recommendations.

LEADERSHIP TRACK: Get right to the heart of leadership with the Leadership Development Track – a list of courses handpicked for growing and developing leaders. 

COMMUNICATION: Learn the basics of rounding, managing up, and navigating difficult conversations with this list of courses on communication. 

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
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