Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

The Benefits of Building Resilience

On our Leadership Quest, we’ve been focused on our core Four Focuses of a Leader: Resilience, Engagement, Experience, and Innovation. 

To operate a health system, we can clearly see the benefits of ensuring our employees have the tools they need and are committed to their roles.

We know without patients and customers who feel they’re getting great value, we wouldn’t even have a business to run.

And, we can understand that without continually keeping on the pulse of the changes in the industry, we might get left behind. 

What doesn’t seem to be as inherently obvious, though, is the need to work on our personal resilience. We can get swept up in metrics and reports, running hard to complete everything the job requires and think things like personal well-being and health aren’t vital to the mission and not worth investing our time. 

However, without being personally resourced, strong, and resilient – without a full bank account of reserves to buoy us through hard times and power us to do those mission critical tasks- we can come up short, become burned out, and find ourselves unable to complete all of the work before us. 

If you’re tempted to skip over investing in your resilience, here are 17 research-backed characteristics of resilient people.

How many of these are necessary to do the work of a leader?

  1. Sense of autonomy
  2. Calm under pressure (equanimity, the ability to regulate stress levels)
  3. Rational thought process
  4. Self-esteem
  5. Optimism
  6. Happiness and emotional intelligence
  7. Meaning and purpose (believing your life matters)
  8. Humor
  9. Altruism (learned helpfulness), love, and compassion
  10. Character (integrity, moral strength)
  11. Curiosity (which is related to focus and interested engagement)
  12. Balance (engagement in a wide range of activities, such as hobbies, educational pursuits, jobs, social and cultural pastimes)
  13. Sociability and social competence (getting along, using bonding skills, being willing to seek out and commit to relationships, enjoying interdependence)
  14. Adaptability (having persistence, confidence, and flexibility; accepting what can’t be controlled; using creative problem-solving skills and active coping strategies)
  15. Intrinsic religious faith
  16. A long view of suffering
  17. Good health habits (getting sufficient sleep, nutrition, and exercise; not using alcohol or other substances immoderately; not using tobacco at all; maintaining good personal appearance and hygiene)

Two More Weeks of Summer: A Great Chance to Focus on Personal Resilience

School starts in just a couple weeks, and even if we don’t have kiddos, we know these hot, beautiful days are soon to be gone. 

Let’s commit to a new resiliency challenge and use these last few weeks of summer to intentionally build up our resilience reserves and head into the fall resourced and strong. 

At Triannual I, our overwhelming response for what we’d like to focus on and what filled our bucket was time with family. We also listed things like campfires, lake time, watching sunsets, fishing, and traveling.


In the next two weeks, can you prioritize doing something from your bucket list with family and friends? Could you fit one, two, or even three fun activities in? 

We’ve got some big plans and a very bold vision for our future at Trinity Health. To accomplish those plans and to leave our mark and our legacy, we will need all of us to be at our absolute best. Your health and well-being are important! To you, your family, your team, the entire organization, and to all of those that we’re privileged to serve.

Invest in yourself these last few weeks of summer and let’s hit the ground running to continue Making More Possible together.

SAVE-THE-DATE: Leadership Roundtable August 23rd

Having Difficult Conversations and Giving Delicate Feedback with Kathleen Lapekas, PHR, SHRM-CP

Kathleen will walk us through techniques and frameworks to have difficult conversations and give delicate feedback to those on our team. She’ll shed light on how to navigate corrective conversations, encouraging us to be specific, honest, and direct as we coach our employees through challenging behavior.

1. Watch Live in the Skyline Room
2. Watch Live via Zoom (Outlook Invite to Follow)
3. Watch the Replay After the Event on the Microsite


Missed out on Triannual I or need a refresher on the content? Video replays from each of the four sessions: Vision, Focus, Alignment, and Action are now available! Click here to access each of the video replays and their accompanying slides.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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