Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

The Happiness Advantage: Your Key to Cultivating Success

At Triannual II, we talked about the “Happiness Advantage” – a radical lesson from research in positive psychology stating that happiness doesn’t come from success at work, but rather success at work comes from happiness!

Shawn Achor demonstrates that “when we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive.” All traits that fuel improved performance, greater teamwork, better problem solving capabilities, and more positive results. 

Research also suggest that happier people are also significantly healthier, they experience less stress, and experience much deeper social connections too.

We learned five simple habits to build our happiness bank: meditation, conscious acts of kindness, journaling, exercise and the three gratitudes. 

Click here to listen to Shawn’s viral TedTalk about the Happiness Advantage and how to cultivate these positive changes into your day – 

TalentTracks Course: Embracing Change

We know all too well the bulk of our work as leaders is spent helping our teams (and ourselves) adjust to organizational change. 

Our Leadership Quest is introducing new frameworks for all of our interactions, casting new, bold visions for our future, and reorienting our minds and conversations to align everyone around new focuses and goals. 

The HCMD is under construction and many of our departments will be adjusting to the rapid growth and location, procedural, and staffing changes.

COVID brought innumerable changes to everything we do, weighted by new stressors we couldn’t have imagined. Amongst all of these transitions, we see that perhaps the only constant in healthcare is change. 

“It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change, or so in love with the old ways, but it’s the place in between that we fear… It’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There’s nothing to hold on to.”
– Ferguson, 2011

in the TalentTracks Leadership Training Library, you’ll find a great course on embracing and managing change. The simple course takes only 10 minutes and offers several frameworks and tools to help you introduce and implement changes on your team while receiving the buy-in and agreement you need to make the changes stick.

You’ll learn common fears behind why people resist change, the five elements of change management that will increase the likelihood of achieving and sustaining results, and a “P.D.A.” framework to help you manage resistance.

Click here to access the 10-minute course.

SAVE-THE-DATE: Leadership Roundtable August 23rd

Having Difficult Conversations and Giving Delicate Feedback with Kathleen Lapekas, PHR, SHRM-CP

Kathleen will walk us through techniques and frameworks to have difficult conversations and give delicate feedback to those on our team. She’ll shed light on how to navigate corrective conversations, encouraging us to be specific, honest, and direct as we coach our employees through challenging behavior.

Kathleen has over 25 years of experience in organizational development and human resources management and has worked for Fortune 100 and Fortune 500 companies throughout the United States. She is the founder of LHR Consulting, a Human Resources consulting services firm based in Evansville, Indiana.  

Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that help enhance our Leadership Quest. This 1 hour “lunch-and-learn” style virtual training will be streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with Kathleen and ask questions about applying her lessons to your own leadership. Replays will be available after the event.

**Please bring your own lunch and beverages if desired.**

1. Watch Live in the Skyline Room
2. Watch Live via Zoom (Outlook Invite to Follow)
3. Watch the Replay After the Event on the Microsite


Missed out on Triannual I or need a refresher on the content? Video replays from each of the four sessions: Vision, Focus, Alignment, and Action are now available! Click here to access each of the video replays and their accompanying slides.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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