Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
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Triannual III

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

At Triannual I, Jennifer taught on the importance of building a resilience routine to help us fill our personal reervoirs of emotional strength to sustain us during challenging times. 

She referenced The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, a book that emphasizes the power of preserving the first hour of the day to what makes you stronger, more peaceful, and more resilient to face the day. 

S.A.V.E.R.S. Morning Routine to Build Resilience

This first hour can be filled with what best fills your bucket, but Mr. Elrod suggests 6 categories of activities to craft a robust morning routine –

  • SILENCE: Be quiet in your mind and block out the chatter through meditation, prayer, or focused breathing
  • AFFIRMATIONS: Tell yourself encouraging words to achieve goals, overcome fears, and feel happy.
  • VISUALIZATION: Imagine yourself doing each thing you need to do for the day and imagine what it feels like to succeed.
  • EXERCISE: Go for a walk or a jog. Getting moving allows blood and oxygen to flow to the brain.
  • READING: Fill your brain with positive thoughts and ideas to improve yourself.
  • SCRIBING: Write a journal to process your thoughts and reflect on what you’ve achieved.

Build Your Resilience Routine

Revisit page 14 of your Triannual I Planner to design your resilience routine and try taking back that first hour of your day for just 5 days. 

Find an accountability partner and share your wins on how this time has helped you regain a sense of peace and internal locus of control.

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