Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

TRIANNUAL II: July 18-19, 2022

Block II: Engagement

Click above to watch the Engagement video replay

What you’ll learn in this module

In the Engagement module, we’ll work through the Seven Stages of Employee Engagement and collect wisdom from our leadership team on how to improve every stage of the employee experience at Trinity Health.

Coaching Champions, Complaining Constricts

Kicking off our section on Employee Engagement we got to hear from Renae Lenertz, Chief Human Resources Officer at Trinity Health.

Renae led wth our SDP Black Dot centered around building Trinity Health as a “Great Place to Work” and shared some of the biggest challenges we face around staffing and engagement.

Recruiting and retaining top talent for the organization – especially in a post-COVID world – is challenging for all health systems and Trinity Health is no exception.

As leaders, we need to be increasingly committed to developing and retaining the staff we have.

To help build them up, we need to be ever more aware of the effects of our words and actions. Winning with our employees isn’t complicated, in fact – we can break it down to three simple steps –

1. Coach, don’t complain. Treat every team member with the respect you would like to receive.
2. Create a positive, reinforcing climate for your entire team.
3. Say “Thank you” frequently.

Though these seem like incredibly simple tips, they can make a world of difference for our team. When we complain and point out the negative, we see immediate constriction with our employees. They take that bruised confidence and defeated demeanor into their next patient interaction which negatively impacts that patient’s care.

Conversely, when we praise, train, and coach our team, we champion them to keep reaching to be the best they can possibly be. Then, their stance is much more likely to be confident, excited, hopeful, and always working to be even better.

Coaching champions our team, complaining and criticizing constricts them.

Exercise: In your interactions with your team this week – even, and espcially when adjustments need to be made – how can you champion your team to reach toward their full potential instead of complaining or criticizing if they haven’t yet attained a skill or reached a goal?

Think of a time you have experienced both types of feedback from a superior. How did you respond and what was the result? Keep practicing on how to give feedback while remaining a champion for your employees’ greatest potential. You’ll be amazed at the results!

The Legend of the Two Wolves

There is an old legend of the two wolves.

In the parable, an elder teaches his grandson that within each of us, there is a battle raging between two wolves.

One of the wolves is angry, envious, jealous, proud, full of ego, and arrogance. The other is peaceful, loving, hopeful, serene, kind, and generous.

When the grandson asks which of the wolves will win the battle, the elder says, “the one you feed.”

In our work as leaders, we can easily and unknowingly feed the first wolf. We can let the many changes and challenges we face in our position fuel our frustration and our anger. We can give strength to the voices that say things are unjust, building our resentment and annoyance at those who lead above us, or become impatient with those we lead.

But, no matter what circumstances we face, we do have a choice.

We can choose not to feed that wolf. To use our reserves of resilience to remain calm and positive in the midst of challenges, to remain encouraging towards our team, and to make the most generous assumptions about the intentions of those who lead.

When we feed that second, loving and benevolent wolf, the fruits in our work are abundant. We begin to create a culture and an environment that is hopeful, positive, and supportive rather than one that makes success, growth, and development nearly impossible to attain.

Exercise: Spend some time this week consciously choosing which wolf you will feed. What are the fruits you see from making each choice? Does your choice result in you becoming the type of leader you wish to be?

Seven Stages of Employee Engagement

The Seven Stages of Employee Engagement give us a framework to map the entire employee experience, helping us to bring high touch attention and care to each stage of their journey and increase their satisfaction and fulfillment while serving on our team.

They help us to define tangible opportunities for improvement and help inspire us to create an environment where every employee will flourish.

Here are the Seven Stages:

HIRINGHiring Process, Materials, and Experience
WELCOMING: Onboarding Process, Materials, and Experience
CONNECTING: Listening, Aligning, Communicating, and Managing​
BALANCING: Work Life Balance and Well-being
REWARDING: Recognition, Benefits, and Compensation
INSPIRING: Purpose, Direction, Culture, and Meaning
SERVING: Community, Activism, and Volunteering

As a leader you have a unique opportunity to improve each of these touchpoints and help inspire deeper engagement from your team. As you look at the Seven Stages – what changes could you make to help create a better work environment for your team?

What were some of your group’s ideas when brainstorming as a table team? How can you implement those ideas?

Refer back to pages 20-21 of your Triannual II Workbook and commit to your action plan.

Pro tip: Engage your team while implementing these changes to leverage their gifts and know you don’t have to go at this alone.


Integrating What You’ve Learned

FY2023 Planner

Access a digital download of the FY2023 Planner with all yearly, quarterly, and monthly planning pages from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.


Download the Leader-to-Leader Update and Leader-to-Leader Agenda to prepare for your 1:1 meetings with your leader and direct reports.


If the paper planner isn’t as convenient for you, try using this digital, fillable pdf to work through your quarterly, monthly, and annual planning.
Click here to download.


Intentionally make room for the four focuses of a leader and commit to strategy with timeblocking your big three and top priorities with the daily pages for FY2023.
Click here to download.


Revisit the exercises from Triannual II, helping to process and integrate what you’ve learned about Engagement and Experience with the Triannual II workbook.
Click here to download.


Leadership, Engagement, Experience, Action

Block I: Leadership

In this Leadership module, we’ll dive deeper building our resilience, observing how our resilience connects to employee engagement and will revisit servant leadership principles we’ll need to successfully embody the role of the leader. 

Block II: Engagement

In the Engagement module, we’ll work through the Seven Stages of Employee Engagement and collect wisdom from our leadership team on how to improve every stage of the employee experience at Trinity Health.

Block III: Experience

In this Experience module, we’ll explore different forms of customer journey mapping, including touchpoint mapping and experience design to reimagine the ideal patient experience at Trinity Health, helping us to innovate a better way of providing care.

Block IV: Action

In the Action module, we’ll celebrate what we’ve accomplished in 2022 and schedule time to accomplish our FY2023 Priorities with the 10% secret. We’ll also work through some important content to learn how we can begin to reclaim our time.

Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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