Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

TRIANNUAL II: July 18-19, 2022

Block III: Experience

What you’ll learn in this module

In this Experience module, we’ll explore different forms of customer journey mapping, including touchpoint mapping and experience design to reimagine the ideal patient experience at Trinity Health, helping us to innovate a better way of providing care.


Randy Schwan, VP of Mission Integration kicked off our section on experience by reminding us of two core frameworks in the Trinity Health toolbox: ServiceFIRST and RELATE.

ServiceFIRST is the backbone of our culture and values, while RELATE is a communication model we use to demonstrate and live out those values.

As a refresher – here are the key tenants of each framework:

Focus – The customer always comes first – 10:5 rule – demonstrate a positive attitude
Identify – Listen attentively, ask questions – give your best – explain, inform, and update
Respond – Anticipate the needs of others – respond to requests in a timely manner – cooperate, respect, and help each other
Satisfy – Respect the privacy of others – apply ServiceFIRST to guests and coworkers – treat people the way they deserve to be treated
Take Ownership – Accept responsibility, be accountable for your actions – take ownership of your customer’s concerns – believe it is your job and you do have the time

Take Action
xpress Appreciation

By employing these two frameworks, we can create meaningful interactions with our teammates and customers, and can provide human centered, compassionate care.

Exercise: Practice employing the RELATE framework with the “Words that Work” template on page 28 of your Triannual II workbook.

Rounding with RELATE

Shelley Semrau, Director of Organizational Development gave us a great demonstration of how to enact Rounding with RELATE.

Using the form on page 23 of your Triannual II workbook, she showed how to hold RELATE conversations with your team to help them develop a new skill or implement a new initiative.

During your rounding conversation, you’ll have three steps:

Prior to your rounding conversation, think about these questions in advance:

1. What is your Employee Satisfaction Focus?
2. What is your Key Reminder?
3. How can you Connect Personally?

When you meet with your employee, ask:

1. What is Working Well?
2. Who should we Recognize?
3. Are there Process Improement Opportunities?
4. [Does your employee] have the Tools & Equipment [they] need?

After rounding, make note of:

1. What do you need to Follow-Up on?

A few Rounding with RELATE reminders:
*Rounding is a way to connect with our employees
*You should round on every employee twice a year
*You can use the rounding check in with a few employees after you make a significant process change
*The purpose of rounding is to connect with your employees in a positive manner
*This type of rounding should take place outside of annual performance evaluations or disciplinary discussions.

A Bold Vision

The highest stage of the customer’s journey is not providing commodities, goods, services, or even ecperiences. The highest offering we can provide is to deliver transformation.

As healthcare providers, we play a momentus role in some of the most significant events in our patient’s lives – being a part of some of the happiest and some of the most difficult moments they’ll experience.

We may not consciously be aware that great responsibility when we sign up for our work, but being here at this moment of time and being placed in a position of service at those monumental moments of our patients’ lives is no mistake. We are the leaders chosen for this very task and we can make a major impact with every interaction.

Trinity Health is working to equip us to deliver world-class transformation for our patients, making one of the most significant healthcare investements in the region in a century with our incoming Healthcare Campus Medical District (HCMD).

As the leaders who will inagurate this new facility, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to completely change the patient and customer experience.

In 1919, the Mayo brothers stood upon that same precipice of opportunity and change. They created a clinic in a corn field and within only 30 years, became a powerhouse not just for Rochester, Minnesota, the Midwest, or the US, but for the world.

With one simple declaration, we too can rewire every moment forward at Trinity Health toward the bold vision of becoming the next Mayo Clinic. We can transform an off-the-path healthcare system in Minot, North Dakota to a premier destination for exceptional service and care.

If we decide to stake that claim and commit wholehearteedly to leaving a legacy of complete renewal, dedication, and transformation we are going to be at a maor turning point for this organization.

If we choose the higher purpose of building a legacy and becoming a world-class destination, and work every day towards realizing that vision, we can create a future that is unimaginable.

Look back to pages 24 and 25 of your Triannual II workbook to detail what your work and daily routine would have to look like to move toward this bold vision. What habits would you keep and what would be different? Visualize 10 years from now and Trinity Health has become a mecca where other leaders come to learn. How does that feel? 

Experience Design

We learned about two main approaches to addressing the patient experience – a survey response model and experience design.

In the survey response model, the organization focuses on acquiring data on micro behaviors that affect the environment of care. You’ll see survey data taken on many aspects of the experience such as temperature of the room and time spent waiting for service. Then, the organizations will work to address those micro behaviors and environmental factors to improve their scores.

The other approach to the patient experience is that of experience design, the practice of crafting the patient and customer experience through touchpoint and communication mapping. These approaches allow a braoder focus on the holistic experience of the patient and how they feel at every stage of their care journey. They also challenge us to deliver a human centered approach to care, surprising and delighting our customers along the way.

Trinity Health has experience working though touchpoint communications and defining different moments of connection and interaction between patients, their families, and members of the Trinity Health team.

Revisiting these touchpoints through the lens of our Leadership Quest allows us to bring an elevated awareness to the impact every staff member plays in the overall patient experience and emboldens team members who may feel like their work is less vital or not noticed.

When every member of the Trinity Health team knows that they have a tangible effect on the patient’s outcomes, they are inspired to buy-in to new processes and procedures, they’re more attentive and aware of the impact of their words, body language, and the quality of their work, and they are more invested in developing solutions to patient concerns and problems.

Seeing our bold vision of becoming the next Mayo Clinic, it becomes ever clearer how we must begin to show up for our patients and where we can make 1% improvements to remake the customer experience.

Revisit pages 26 and 27 of your Triannual II workbook to work through your journey mapping exercise and claim your ownership in the work of delivering a transformational encounter and improving the patient experience.

Leadership's Role: Designer, Coach, Innovator

In order to remake the patient and customer experience, as leaders, we’ll play one of three roles: the designer, the coach, and the innovator.

As the designer, you will work with your team to design experiences for the patient and customer. You’ll cast the vision for “how” we can improve the experience.

You’ll also define the processes necessary to accomplish that vision and outline “what” we are going to do. 

As the coach, you will help deliver training for your team, educating them on the new processes and demonstrating both the “way” we do things and the “why” behind them. 

You’ll also help your team develop their skills, coaching them to grow their abilities and buiding up “who” is delivering the service. 

Then, as innovator, you and your team will work to discover a better way You’ll have implemented the new processes and tested their success with your patients and will use feedback from the field to show you “how” we can improve the existing process. 

Then, you’ll continue through the cycle, once again designing the experience informed by the improved vision of what is possible at Trinity Health. 

These functions give us a holistic approach to experience design and can be applied to both the patient and employee experience. They also help clarify our work as leaders, allowing us to be certain of what’s expected and clear on how to best to perform in our role. 

Exercise: Open to the note paper in your padfolio and think through a new process at Trinity Health. How can you embody these three roles of a leader? What changes can you make and what actions would you take to bring a new vision to life?


Integrating What You’ve Learned

FY2023 Planner

Access a digital download of the FY2023 Planner with all yearly, quarterly, and monthly planning pages from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.


Download the Leader-to-Leader Update and Leader-to-Leader Agenda to prepare for your 1:1 meetings with your leader and direct reports.


If the paper planner isn’t as convenient for you, try using this digital, fillable pdf to work through your quarterly, monthly, and annual planning.
Click here to download.


Intentionally make room for the four focuses of a leader and commit to strategy with timeblocking your big three and top priorities with the daily pages for FY2023.
Click here to download.


Revisit the exercises from Triannual II, helping to process and integrate what you’ve learned about Engagement and Experience with the Triannual II workbook.
Click here to download.


Leadership, Engagement, Experience, Action

Block I: Leadership

In this Leadership module, we’ll dive deeper building our resilience, observing how our resilience connects to employee engagement and will revisit servant leadership principles we’ll need to successfully embody the role of the leader. 

Block II: Engagement

In the Engagement module, we’ll work through the Seven Stages of Employee Engagement and collect wisdom from our leadership team on how to improve every stage of the employee experience at Trinity Health.

Block III: Experience

In this Experience module, we’ll explore different forms of customer journey mapping, including touchpoint mapping and experience design to reimagine the ideal patient experience at Trinity Health, helping us to innovate a better way of providing care.

Block IV: Action

In the Action module, we’ll celebrate what we’ve accomplished in 2022 and schedule time to accomplish our FY2023 Priorities with the 10% secret. We’ll also work through some important content to learn how we can begin to reclaim our time.

Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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