Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

What is your personality during change?

We’re gearing up for Triannual III in November all about our fourth focus of a leader: Innovation.

We know when we commit to innovating our processes and systems we can discover a better way, improve efficiency, and deliver an outstanding patient experience. 

But, as we learned last week with Innovation and Change Management Expert Amy Susott, innovation can be great…until it impacts me. 

Amy gave us four personas we can have when facing change: 

1. The Pro: The teammate who says “I’m good at this. I can do this. I’ve worked my entire career and got this down pat.” They give us confidence and direction in the plan.

2. Paralysis by Analysis: Just when we think we’re going to move forward, this teammate asks us to stop and re-analyze. They help prevent us from making really big mistakes.

3. The Cowboy: The teammate who’s out leading the charge…but sometimes might break things. We need them to help us move forward. 

4. Complete Resistor: The teammate who’s tuned into the worst case scenario, “If you do this, the sky is going to fall.” They give us insight into pitfalls we need to avoid.

No personality or approach is “wrong” in the innovation process and we may find ourselves displaying qualities of different types as we face new challenges. Amy encouraged us that all types bring valuable data to our innovation process, and being able to put ourselves in each person’s shoes helps us to successfully move forward as a united team. 

Let’s take a poll! Think of a big change you and your team are going through now. Which personality type best fits where you’re at today?

After you submit your response, you may need to refresh the page to see your answer added to the chart below.

SAVE-THE-DATE: October Leadership Roundtable

Mission-Driven Innovation with Dr. Thomas Graham
October 18th, 12pm-1pm CDT **VIRTUAL ONLY**

We’re excited to continue the conversation on innovation with our October Leadership Roundtable.

Dr. Thomas Graham, Chief Innovation Officer at Kettering Health, will guide the Trinity Health Leadership Team on Mission-Driven Innovation, helping to make innovation accessible to employees at any level of the organization and “flipping-the-switch” for all of us to see opportunities to innovate everyday.

Dr. Graham is a world-renowned orthopedic hand surgeon, healthcare executive, author, inventor, and entrepreneur who holds over 60 patents, has published over 100 scholarly articles, and has founded four medical device companies. He has served as the hand surgery consultant, team physician, and medical director for numerous sports teams in the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, and PGA. Dr. Graham previously served as Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Innovation Officer and wrote an innovation playbook called “Innovation the Cleveland Clinic Way: Powering Transformation and Putting Ideas to Work” during his tenure.

***Please note, this roundtable will be VIRTUAL ONLY. Click here to RSVP.

PLANNER: Monthly Review + Planning for Innovation

September is closing out and it’s time to take a few moments for our “10% Secret” time and look back at all that we’ve accomplished. This is a prime practice for us as we commit to innovation. We need to know what we’ve done that went well and where we could make adjustments and do even better. 

-Look back over your calendar for the month and note any wins you’ve had personally, professionally, and collectively with your team. 

-Review the four focuses: resilience, engagement, experience, and innovation, see what projects went well in each focus area, and determine what work is yet to be done. 

-List out any of your “burning ideas” for things you’ve tried but no longer serve you, your team, or the organization. 

-Plan ahead for next month and map out upcoming opportunities to innovate! Watch the September Roundtable replay and discuss Amy’s six steps for change with your team. Test new ideas with pilots, purposeful pauses, and safety nets and share your wins!


Leadership is a team sport and we all get better when we support and learn from each other.  Click here to share your wins from this past month and shout out your teammates and fellow leaders who’ve demonstrated exceptional leadership and resilience through change this past month.

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