Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

WRAPPING FY23: Celebrating Our Growth as Leaders

Over the past year and a half we’ve worked to grow and develop as leaders—building our personal resilience, increasing employee engagement, improving the patient experience, and seeking out opportunities for operational innovation.

Our Leadership Quest has helped us connect as leaders, build partnerships across departments, and share our ideas for how we can continue Making More Possible at Trinity Health.

We’ve aligned around common goals, been inspired by our shared Why, and climbed together towards the Summit of opening our new campus.

We have done incredible things as a leadership team and have grown immensely as individuals throughout the process.

Last April, for our very first all-leader Triannual, we wrote a letter to our future selves outlining all the ways we’d like to grow and stretch as leaders, what we hoped to accomplish, and who we wanted to become as a result of participating in the Leadership Quest.

****You’ll be receiving that letter in the mail this week!****

Take some time to reflect on all that you’ve achieved, all the ways you’ve been challenged, how you’ve surprised yourself by what you could accomplish, and what you were able to pull off as a team.

Have you come closer to becoming the leader you described in your letter? Did you achieve all that you dreamed?

Continuing to Grow

Our work and our growth as leaders isn’t a static or temporary thing. It’s a life-long process of continually pushing our edge, leaning into the hard conversations, developing our skills, refining our processes, innovating, and evolving.

In each of our Triannuals, Roundtables, and Weekly Emails, we’ve been gathering tips, tools, and resources to equip us to navigate whatever comes—building a strong foundation of leadership practices to help us lead our teams through trials and triumphs.

We’ve been building our toolbox of communication skills, key focus areas, planning tools, and resources for accountability to give us the confidence and courage to take on new challenges and help to grow our teams.

At Triannual II, we declared that our one thing as leaders is to grow ourselves, our teams, our patients, and our communities, and we have so many great tools and resources we can use to serve those around us and help them succeed!

As we take a summer break with these weekly Leadership Quest emails, know that you have continued access to all of the content, tools, and trainings via the Leadership Quest Microsite.

Work back through any key lessons you need to help you refine your skills and deepen your practice and strive to gain your 1% improvements each and every day!

Your intentional efforts, compounded over time will produce exponential rewards for you, your team, our patients, our organization, and our community.

We’re counting on you to help lead us into the next season of excellence at Trinity Health and can’t wait to see how your leadership elevates us to the next level of success.

ANNUAL REVIEW: A Year of Growth + Evolution

As we wrap up FY2023, let us be encouraged by how much we’ve grown this past year. With so much change and evolution over the past several months, it’d be easy to rush into the next season without stopping to appreciate all that we’ve done.

Doing a Quarterly and Annual Review can help put all that we’ve accomplished into perspective.

Utilize your 10% Secret Planning time to look back and do your Annual + Quarterly Review:

  • Open to page 8, 9, 16, and 17 of your FY2023 Planner to review your annual and quarterly goals and see how far you’ve come. Think back through the move to the HCMD and remember everything you and your teams accomplished during the transition.
  • Go back through your Monthly Reviews to see all of the wins you’ve marked down throughout the year. You’ll be amazed at all of the victories you’ve already forgotten and put behind you!
  • As you do your review, be sure to celebrate what you’ve accomplished just as much as you plan for what still lies ahead. Your past triumphs and victories will help reignite your passion and motivation for leading and give you energy and fuel to climb the next summit that comes.
  • Be sure to express your gratitude for anyone who’s supported and encouraged you along the way and be sure to commit to being that support for your family and team in this next season.
  • Then, outline your goals for this next fiscal year and translate those big dreams into smaller goals you can complete each quarter. Break down your quarterly goals into monthly tactics and schedule key steps you’ll need to gain traction.

  • Share your goals (and accomplishments!) with your leader in your next Leader-to-Leader 1:1 and ask for their help and support with resources and accountability.

FY2024 PLANNER DOWNLOAD: Gaining Traction in the Year Ahead

To help you complete your yearly goals and quarterly plans and continue to gain traction, here is a link to a printable version of the FY2024 Leadership Planner.

Set your annual, quarterly, and monthly goals and map out your action plan each week using your 10% Secret Planning sessions.

Utilize the Leader-to-Leader tools to guide your 1:1s with your leader and direct reports and be sure to note your key accomplishments each month to help you mark and measure your progress.

RESOURCES + REPLAYS: Revisiting Key Lessons to Refine and Deepen Our Skills

As you continue to work through key leadership challenges and push yourself to your next level, be sure to access of all of the resources and tools from the Leadership Quest to continue to propel you forward.

You’ll find everything you need archived on the Leadership Quest Microsite. Here are shortcuts for a few key resources:

Triannual All-Leader Workshops
Triannual workshops are live, onsite events designed to align all leaders around common focus areas and goals and equip our teams with the tools they need to succeed. Click here to access all Triannual replays.


Monthly Roundtables with Industry Experts
Leadership Roundtables are 1:1 interviews with leading industry experts on topics like servant leadership, difficult conversations, coaching, innovation, and growth mindset. Click here to access all Roundtable replays.


Weekly Email Archive
The weekly emails provide tips, tools, and additional training for implementing key leadership habits and principles and for growing in your role as a leader. Click here to access the Weekly Email archive.


10% Secret Leadership Planner
The Leadership Planner helps us take back control of our time and regain traction toward achieving our goals with key resources for implementing the 10% Secret system. Click here to access the FY2024 Leadership Planner.


Leader-to-Leader Update + Agenda
The Leader-to-Leader Update + Agenda are simple tools built around the Four Focuses of a Leader to help you prepare for and lead a 1:1 with your leader and your direct reports. Click here to access the L2L tools.


Spotify Playlist
Put yourself back into a Triannual State of Mind with the Leadership Quest playlist on Spotify. Use the music as the backdrop for your planning sessions or a pump up to start the day. Click here to access the Spotify playlist.

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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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