Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

YEAR-END ROUNDUP: What We’ve Learned in Our Leadership Quest

The past year has been an amazing opportunity for all Trinity Health leaders to gather together in one room to celebrate our successes as a team, address difficulties and challenges, and grow into more capable and confident leaders. 

We’ve experienced the power of sharing ideas, uniting around a common vision, and working together to innovate and discover a better way.

As we wrap up 2022, we want to take a moment to celebrate YOU. We are so proud of the hard work and effort you’re putting in to improve your leadership skills, help develop your team through coaching and rounding, and invest in your own personal resilience and well-being. 

We can’t wait to continue learning and growing with you in 2023 and watch you lead Trinity Health through the innovation of the century with the opening of the HCMD. 

Check out everything you’ve accomplished as a united leadership team with this year-end roundup and dive back in to any lessons you want to revisit in preparation for this coming year-

“Triannual” All-Leader Workshops

Triannual workshops are our opportunity to bring all Trinity Health leadership to the table to be re-energized, realigned, and resourced for the challenges facing our team each day. We learn the best tools and resources to support our Leadership Quest and go deep with real-time exercises to create solutions infused with the knowledge and expertise of the Trinity Health Team.

Here’s an overview of everything we learned together as a leadership team this year: 

TRIANNUAL I: Leadership + Resilience (April)
In this first Triannual workshop, we set the stage for our Leadership Quest – rethinking what it is to be a leader and realigning all leaders at Trinity Health around four core focus areas: Resilience, Engagement, Experience, and Innovation. We worked through the unique challenges of the past few years and cast a vision for opening the HCMD as a re-energized and transformed Trinity.
View Slides + Watch the Replays

TRIANNUAL II: Engagement + Experience (July)
In this Triannual, we dove deep into the patient and employee experience and worked to redesign our major touchpoints of communication to increase employee engagement, retention, and recruitment and improve patient satisfaction and well-being.
View Slides + Watch the Replays

TRIANNUAL III: Innovation (November)
In this Triannual workshop, we worked through Leading through Change and Innovation and gained numerous tools and frameworks for communicating change to our team. We discussed how we as leaders can help overcome resistance to change and prepare for Trinity Health’s largest change and innovation in a century—the new Healthcare Campus and Medical District (HCMD) opening this spring.
View Slides (Replay Coming Soon)

Leadership Roundtables

Leadership Roundtables are monthly insights from leading industry experts on subjects that help enhance our Leadership Quest. These 1 hour “lunch-and-learn” style virtual trainings are streamed live in the Skyline Room with an opportunity to engage with the leaders and ask questions about applying their lessons to your own leadership.   

If you missed any Roundtables, we encourage you to look back and watch the replay! Check out everything we’ve covered this past year:  

MAY: Servant Leadership
Through a powerful personal story, Sean Georges, JD, LLM, demonstrated the essence of authentic leadership. He shared how he came to see that servant leaders aligned with a common mission and a singular focus can achieve the impossible.
Watch the Replay

JUNE: Coaching Your Team
Jared Narlock, MPA, SHRM-SCP, shared great insights on why coaching is vital for your team to thrive and how it is so effective because it makes everyone the hero, it develops your employees into problem solvers, and it encourages accountability and ownership in creating thoughtful solutions.
Watch the Replay

AUGUST: Critical Conversations
Kathleen Lapekas, PHR, SHRM-CP, walked us through techniques and frameworks to have difficult conversations and give delicate feedback to those on our team. She shed light on how to navigate corrective conversations, encouraging us to be specific, honest, and direct as we coach our employees through challenging behavior.
Watch the Replay

SEPTEMBER: Openness to Change
Amy Susott, aPHR, MPSA, led the Trinity Health Leadership Team through the basics of change management and how we can help ourselves and our teams stay resilient and open to change. 
Watch the Replay

OCTOBER: Pioneering Innovation
Thomas Graham, MD, Chief Innovation Officer at Kettering Health, guided the Trinity Health Leadership Team on Mission-Driven Innovation, helping to make innovation accessible to employees at any level of the organization and “flipping-the-switch” for all of us to see opportunities to innovate everyday. 
Watch the Replay

DECEMBER: Transcending Busyness
NDSU Professor, Ann Burnett, PhD, led the Trinity Health team on Transcending Busyness and the Fast Pace of Life, especially during the holiday season. With numerous family obligations, work responsibilities, and the transition to the HCMD, our Trinity Health team is no stranger to busyness, but Dr. Burnett helped reframe our perspective and enter this next season renewed and ready to take on whatever comes next.
Watch the Replay

January 24th at 12:00pm, Rachel MK Headley, PhD, a TedX speaker, Forbes coach, author, and former NASA scientist will help us develop a Growth Mindset as we launch the new year and prepare for the move to the HCMD. 

Dr. Headley will walk us through different personality styles and approaches to change and give us tangible tools on how to lead each personality type through transition. 

Click here to RSVP for the January Leadership Roundtable with Dr. Headley.

TOOLS FOR THE QUEST: Helping You Win as a Leader

Over the past year, we’ve developed numerous tools and resources to support you on your Quest, help you stay current on the training and content, and continue the momentum between live events. Weekly emails offer updates, news, and additional training and tools, the event workbooks and Leadership Planner help you stay focused on your goals, and the Microsite resource hub keeps all Leadership Quest materials easily accessible for additional study and training. 

Quick-access links to these tools can be found below: 

The Leadership Quest Microsite is a one-stop resource hub where we post everything you need to succeed in your Leadership Quest, including event photos, slides, and replays, relevant articles and tools, and digital downloads of the planner and Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda.

Click here to access the Trinity Health Transformation microsite and see photos from Triannual III.

Slides for each module of our most recent event, Triannual III, are available now and replays for the event will be posted soon.

Your Planner is your absolute go-to keeping all of your tasks, plans, and strategy at the ready. Set reminders for your 10% Secret time and daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly planning sessions to protect your focus and strategy time.

The Leader-to-Leader Update and Agenda will help guide 1:1s with your leader and 1:1s between you and any direct reports who are leaders. 

Every Thursday at 12:00pm CST, you’ll receive an email from the Leadership Quest team intended to help deepen your understanding and engagement of the content and provide tools, event reminders, and resources to support you in your work as a leader.

Miss one of the weekly emails or need to search for past content? Click here to view the weekly email archive on the Leadership Quest Microsite.

Trinity Health has provided an excellent resource to support you on your Leadership Quest – the TalentTracks Training Library from HealthStream. You’ll access a full library of leadership and process training videos with customizable tracks to address your biggest needs.

Get started by taking the leadership assessment to determine which courses are best suited for you.

Need some inspiration to help you work through your planning sessions or start the day off right? Click here to stream the Triannual III Spotify Playlist.  


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Trinity Health Transformation
Triannual I
Triannual II
Triannual III

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